44CON London 2015

admin 2023-12-08 17:44:21 AnQuanKeInfo 来源:ZONE.CI 全球网 0 阅读模式


44CON London is the Premier Technical Information Security Conference and Training event taking place in London.
The event starts the evening of the 9th September 2015, with the Conference days on the 10th and 11th September 2015.
44CON London Training days run on the 7th, 8th and 9th September 2015.

We are moving off Youtube to Vimeo, we will be publishing the 2012
content on Vimeo in the coming weeks. We will also be publishing the
2014 content on Vimeo’s ondemand platform shortly after the DVD
ships.  Meanwhile you can get your hands on the videos for 44CON 2013 to
watch ondemand

金山云招聘安全渗透工程师 AnQuanKeInfo


金山云是金山集团旗下控股公司,依托金山集团26年的深厚技术积累,以业内领先的用户体验和服务端技术,为用户和企业提供国内领军级云服务产品。 公司拥有云主机、海量
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